1.快门 - Shutter Speed
2.光圈 - Aperture ,光圈越大,景深越淺 (能夠做到背景很矇),光圈 f/2.8 (大光圈)
3.感光度 - ISO
4.白平衡 - White Balance : White Balance in digital photography means adjusting colors so that the image looks more natural.
5.焦距 - Focal Length (mm)
6.景深 - Field Depth
8.对焦 - Focus
7.自动对焦系统 - Auto Focus System
8.失焦 - Out of Focus
9.閃光燈 - Flash
10.广角镜头 - Wide angle lens
11.变焦镜头 - Zoom lens
12.定焦鏡頭 - Prime Lens
13.增距镜、望远变换器 - Tele converter
14.曝光 - Exposure
15.移軸鏡 - Shift lens
16.光学变焦 - Optical Zoom
17.数字变焦 - Digital Zoom
18.变焦 - Zoom
19.亮度色階分佈圖 - Histogram
20.快门优先 - Shutter priority
21.取景器 - viewfinder
22.放大系数 - Zoom Factor
23.光圈系数 - F-Number ; - F-stops or F-number are calculated by dividing the aperture by the focal length.
50 / 100 = 100 / 200 = 1 / 2
Such an f-stop will be noted f/2, f2, 1:2 or f-2 (all are equivalent).
24.扭曲/畸变 - Distortion
25.散景特效 - Bokeh Effects
26.渐晕 - vignetting
27.自动曝光锁定 - AE Lock(AEL)
28.像散 - Astigmatism
29.色差 - Chromatic Aberration
30.反差、对比 - Contrast
31.光阑 - Diaphragm
32.柔光 - Diffuse
33.柔光镜 - Diffusers
34.色散 - Dispersion
35.曝光值 - EV(Exposure Value)
36.滤光镜 - Filter
37.鱼眼镜头 - Fish eye lens
38.闪光灯、闪光 - Flash
39.焦点跟踪 - Focus tracking
40.聚焦、对焦、调焦 - Focusing
41.闪光指数 - GN(Guide Number)
42.风景 - Landscape
43.镜头、透镜 - Lens
44.微距、巨像 - Macro
45.放大倍率 - Magnification
46.测光 - Metering : Example - Spot metering for shooting moon, Center Weighted Average Metering is best reserved for portraits.
Metering is how your camera determines what the correct
shutter speed and
aperture should be, depending on the amount of light that goes into the camera and the
sensitivity of the sensor.
47.反光镜 - Mirror
48.曝光过度 - Over exposure
49.全景 - Panorama
50.透视的 - Perspective
51.摄影 - Photography
52.焦点平面 - Plane of focus
53.偏振镜 - Polarizer
54.人像、肖像 - Portrait
55.红眼 - Red Eye
56.反射器、反光板 - Reflector
57.分辨率 - Resolution
58.自拍机 - Self-timer
59.传感器 - Sensor
60.剪影 - Silhouette
61.同步 - Synchronization
62.影调 - tone
63.三脚架 - Tripod
64.通过镜头、镜后 - TTL(Through The Lens)
65.曝光不足 - Under exposure
66.广角镜头 - Wide angle lens